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17th May 2019

Preparing for life after University

Just completing your degree might not be enough when setting yourself up for life after Uni! Of course, your course has offered you a wide range of skills, but employers are now starting to look beyond the qualifications section of your CV. University offers a lot, but it’s up to you to use the resources made available to you! So, if you’re coming to the end of your degree, or you’re just starting and looking to prep early, we’ve got some tips that could help prepare you for the next chapter!

Prepare that CV

Make sure you keep updating that CV with anything you feel relevant, and that makes you a better-rounded person! It’s often that students exclude things not academic because, they’re not academic, but don’t do this! Adding on extra circular activities, interests, societies and sports helps to build the picture for a more rounded interesting individual.

And add experience to it!

Some courses have the option of doing a placement or an internship during the course, and this is perfect to get that extra experience in the field you want to go into! If you haven’t selected a course with a placement, speak to Coventry University Careers and Employability Services to see if you can edit your course. You can find their details by clicking HERE.

Start thinking about saving

It sounds odd as the stigma with University is the ‘massive student debt’; however you’re in the same position as all other University students! With the monthly payments very minimal, you’ll have a chance to start saving money. Even if it’s a small amount per week, over time this adds up and you’ll thank yourself later.

But don’t worry about your student loan!

Like we already said, every University student is in the same position, and the monthly payments are minimal. You will still have enough income to start saving something that will help you further down the line, may it be for a car for commuting or renting a property closer to your new job.


You never know who you will meet at University, may it be fellow students, lecturers or the careers support team, get talking to people about what you want to do after. The slight push in the right direction to someone who knows someone or someone from your industry could turn out to be invaluable for your future career! Don’t be afraid to talk about your aspirations either, by having a clear career goal or path it will make applying for placement and graduate roles so much easier.

The discount-less world

No more ASOS discount, no cheaper Apple Music and Spotify per month, expensive times ahead. Just keep an eye on your monthly outgoings and bills, and make sure things you’ve bought during university haven’t got a student discount attached. Without you even knowing, certain things could double as soon as you graduate so it’s best to keep an eye on this and budget correctly.

Things such as gym memberships, potential society memberships and club subscriptions you also need to keep an eye on, as they may come out of your account after you’ve graduated and moved back.

Skills you might not have noticed you had

Whilst you’ve been in your student houses, you’ve been developing key life skills that do actually prepare you for the future! Most of you would have moved to University not knowing anyone on your course, who you’d be living with and yet you’ve most probably made some friends for life. This is a huge skill required in any workplace that allows you to settle in easier.

You’ve also lived away from home for long periods, budgeting, managing your time as effectively as possible and making decisions your parents would’ve previously made for you. These are all key skills that you will be using throughout life after University, so you’ve had practice by now!

Take care when considering your future plans

Even if you go to University with a concrete career in mind, still keeps as many doors open as possible to make sure you get the perfect career for you. University is full of great career advisors, from lecturers and friends to the designated team, so make sure you talk to them about your interests, skills and aspirations and they could help guide you in the right direction.

Still undecided?

Take a risk! If you’re stuck between multiple ideas, this is the best time to make the leap. Our main piece of advice is to ensure you use Coventry University’s careers advisors throughout University, they can help with a wide variety of the points we’ve made above.

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